Where to Buy Feed Corn in Wyoming Michigan
The following farms and ranches have certified that they meet Eatwild's criteria for producing grassfed meat, eggs and dairy products. Contact them directly for additional information or to buy their products:
A1 Country Girl Beef is a four generation farm raising grass fed beef for your freezer.
No foreign substances used in growth of animals or in processing of animals. No additives to tenderize beef during processing. Meat is properly aged and cut and wrapped ready for your freezer.
A1 Country Girl Beef, Charlene or Bob, 9717 Yale Road, Greenwood MI 48006. (810) 387-3729.
American Heritage Farm is a fifth-generation family farm specializing in heritage grass-fed meat from endangered breeds of livestock. We are committed to producing healthy, great tasting, grass-fed, pasture-raised meat that's been raised "old style," which means letting them forage for their food as much as possible. We've intentionally chosen breeds that are either threatened or critical on the The Livestock Conservancy's Conservation Priority list to preserve these breeds for future generations.
We are currently offering 100% grass-fed beef from our Red Poll and Angus cattle. Sold by the whole, half or quarter side, or USDA-certified, pre-packaged cuts. Our cattle are completely pasture-raised on a natural diet of grass and home grown hay. They are given no grain, no antibiotics, no growth hormones and no medicated feed EVER. Our pastures are all naturally fertilized.
NEW! We are now taking pre-orders for whole, half and quarter beef. Please check our website for further information.
All individual cuts of beef are sold by the pound from our licensed farm store. Hours are by appointment.
Please check our website for the current price list, instructions on how to place your order and any specials.
American Heritage Farm, LLC, Christine and Dale McGoron, 3391 W Colby Road, Perry MI 48872. (517) 214-7848
E-mail: americanheritagefarm@gmail.com. Website: http://americanheritagefarm.com.
Apsey Farms is a 4th-generation, pasture-based, centennial family farm in West/Central Lower Michigan. We offer a variety of natural pasture-raised meats including: 100% grass-fed beef, pastured poultry, and pastured pork. Pasture-raised eggs are also available to local customers. We offer individual cuts or subscribe and save value bundles.
Our mission is to restore the health of our planet by providing busy and informed consumers with nutritious, delicious, and ethical food to eat with confidence. We practice regenerative agriculture and holistic management principles that go beyond organic to improve the health of the soil. We never use GMOs, chemicals, hormones, or antibiotics.
Visit our website to learn more. Use code: EATWILD for free delivery direct to your door on all orders over $130.
Apsey Farms, Kyle Apsey, 8532 170th Ave, Reed City, MI 49677. (800) 842-4717.
E-mail: kyle@apseyfarm.com. Website: apseyfarms.com.
B&B Farms – Michigan Grass-Fed Beef is a family farm in Alpena Michigan. We provide grass-fed and grass-finished beef that is healthier than grain-finished alternatives and our farming practices are more sustainable for the environment and healthier for animals than conventional cattle farms.
We raise our Red Angus cattle from birth to finish. Our animals are moved to fresh pasture daily and fed stored forage (hay and bailage) during the winter months. Using regenerative farming practices, we believe one can raise cattle and eat meat with peace of mind.
NO grain. NO GMO. NO hormones. NO antibiotics. NO pesticides.
We sell beef by the cut, or by the quarter, half, or whole. Order on-line and pick up from our farm store anytime, or in town on the weekends. Ground beef is always available at Perch's IGA.
You can find our price list, place an order, and learn more about us at our website. Follow us on Facebook to see more day-to-day activities.
B&B Farms, Ben and Brook Nowakowski, 9545 Cathro Road, Alpena MI 49707. (989) 590-7544.
E-mail: thegoodnessofgrass@gmail.com. Website: www.thegoodnessofgrass.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegoodnessofgrass.
Beery Farms of Michigan LLC is an 80-acre farm on which I raise all-grass-fed beef and goats.
The farm is operated in the Argentine grazing style using a diverse array of perennial grasses and summer-winter annuals to meet the year-round forage needs of the animals. Like the Argentines, the paddocks are divided to provide both annual and perennial forages simultaneously for an always fresh high quality diet. By using stockpiling in the fall and early greening small grains in the spring, it is only necessary to feed hay and haylage during the most severe winter months.
The farm is in the third year transition to Organic Certification. It is located just south of Lansing and visitors are always welcome.
Beery Farms, Growers and Purveyors on Only Things Grass Fed.
Beery Farms, Maynard Beery, 849 N Aurelius Road, Mason MI 48854. (517) 676-4686.
E-mail: beeryfarm@aol.com.
Berry's Naturally is located on a quaint 40 acres in Reading MI, near the Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan boarders. We strive to maintain our small, cozy farm as nature intended, by raising and finishing our lamb, and beef on 100% natural grass pasture.
Our chickens are raised on NON-GMO grains and rotated to fresh pasture daily.
Please visit our site to see "our story," get current pricing, and see what we are all about. We'd love to talk with you to answer any questions, so please feel free to give us a call.
Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you and helping you obtain the healthy food choices you are looking for.
Berry's Naturally, Bill and Angie Berry, 6351 Carpenter Road, Reading MI 49274. (517) 283-2873.
E-mail: wberry@dmcibb.net. Website: http://berrysnaturallyfarm.com.
BF&E Organics—See Boughan Farms & Enterprise below.
Boughan Farms & Enterprise—better known as BF&E Organics—is located inthe thumb of Michigan, approximately 20 miles north of Imlay City. Our family has been farming here since the 1950s. We started working toward our organic certification in 1992, through OCIA (Organic Crop Improvement).
We have a beef cow-calf operation with registered Shorthorn cattle. The cattle are born and raised on our farm until ready for market. We also raise sheep, with the Dorper being the breed of choice. They are a very hardy breed with mild tasting meat. The lambs are born and raised on the farm until ready for market as well. We also raise free-ranged meat chicken and chicken eggs. All of our animal products are certified organic and our beef and lamb are 100% grass-fed. They are raised in a stress-free environment the way nature intended it to be.
We encourage people to come to the farm. We feel it is important to know where your food comes from and we are dedicated to doing our very best in raising healthy, local, organic food.
BF&E Organics, Doreen Wilcox, 5119 Barnes Road, Clifford, MI 48727 or 5331 Peck Road, North Branch, MI 48461. (810) 531-6823.
E-mail: bfeorganics@hotmail.com. Website: www.bfeorganics.net.
BP Farms raises 100% Grass Fed and Grass Finished Beef, Organic Pastured Heritage Pork, Organic Pastured Heritage Brown Eggs, and Organic Pastured Free-Range Chicken on our small family farm. We sell our products both direct to consumer and wholesale.
All our products are grown using only sustainable, environmentally friendly, agricultural practices without the use of antibiotics, hormones/steroids, medications, pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified products (GMOs). All our livestock are humanely raised on pasture.
Our beef is 100% Grass Fed and Grass Finished. Our cattle eat only grass and forbs on pasture or as hay when pasture isn't available; they never get any grain or soy.
Our pastured pigs are heritage breeds that forage on green pastures. Their forage is supplemented with only Certified Organic Feed that is gluten free. All seasonings and cures used in processing are also Certified Organic (no artificial preservatives/nitrates), soy-free, gluten-free, filler-free, and GMO-free!
Our meat chickens are lively heritage type birds that can run, jump, play, and forage. They forage freely on green pastures without cages, pens, or chicken 'tractors.' Their forage is supplemented with only gluten-free Certified Organic Feed.
Our eggs are from heritage breed hens that range freely on green pastures and are allowed to forage outdoors all day without cages or pens or any confinement. Their forage is supplemented with only gluten-free Certified Organic Feed.
We also have Certified Organic chicken feeds for sale.
Please visit our website to place an order or to contact us for more information. The website contact form and email are the best ways to contact us. You can expect a reply the same day. BP Farms, because you are what you eat eats!
BP Farms LLC, Bill Picken, 6300 N Rea Road, Dundee, MI 48131. (734) 430-4261.
E-mail: bill@bpfarmsorganic.com. Website: https://bpfarmsorganic.com/.
Brown Sugar Jerseys is located in northwestern St. Clair County, 2 miles south of Yale, Michigan. We are a family-owned and operated farm consisting of 430 acres of tillable pasture and woodlots. We have approximately 70 acres of permanent pastureland and rotate our cropland with clover seedings which we bale as high-moisture hay (preserved pasture) for feed for the winter months, and also graze those clover fields. We raise about 20 calves a year and have about 20 grass fed steers to offer annually.
We have been dedicated to raising polled grazing jerseys since 1983. From birth through 6 months of age our calves are fed 1/2 pound per head per day of non-GMO corn. After 6 months of age, they eat only fresh pasture in the growing season, and high-moisture clover hay in the non-green season and free choice minerals always, absolutely no grain. The meat, fat, and marbling of jerseys that eat clover pasture or high-moisture clover hay has a special sweet flavor. The fat is yellow because of the high beta carotene. Our steers are fully 2 years old before slaughter for full flavor. Jersey and Clover , the winning combination!
Our jerseys are humanely raised and handled; there are no hormones, antibiotics, or medicated feed in their diet. Housing and nutrition are age- and weather-appropriate, with the emphasis on grazing, working with Michigan's climate and growing seasons. Our animals' health and comfort are always top priority.
We sell by the 1/4, 1/2, or whole cow. Please call for pricing and availability to reserve your beef today. Pickup only, we do not ship.
Brown Sugar Jerseys, Mary Smith, 11542 WIlkes Road, Yale MI 48097. (810) 387-3007 or (810) 304-0290.
E-mail: brownsugarjerseys@yahoo.com.
CloverDale Farms is a small family owned, pasture based operation dedicated to offering the highest quality grassfed beef available. Belted Galloway cattle are the breed of choice here at CloverDale. The ability of this breed to thrive on lush pastures and convert this forage to muscle without the use of grain makes it possible to raise and finish these cattle on 100% grass alone.
Farm fresh eggs from our free range pasture fed chickens and pork from our hogs raised in the good outdoors are also available. The grain used to feed our chickens and pigs is also grown on our farm without the use of pesticides and herbicides.
The livestock on our farm are also raised without the use of antibiotics, chemicals, or hormones
Our grassfed beef and pork are available by the whole, half, and individual cuts. Please call for availability as we don't keep a large quantity on hand.
CloverDale farms is not a supermarket selling a product that we didn't produce. When you purchase our products you know exactly where your food is coming from, how it was raised, and what was fed to the animals. Our customers are always welcome to CloverDale Farms to visit our operation.
CloverDale Farms, Travis and Trica Bartholomew, 11375 South 37th Street, Scotts MI 49088. (269) 626-0030.
E-mail: travisbartholomew@att.net. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cloverdale-Farms-2105098129813920
Creswick Farms is "dedicated to raising healthy, happy animals—lovingly cared for just as Mother Nature intended—which provide high energy, nutritious and delicious food sources for health-conscious individuals."
At Creswick Farms, we guarantee our animals are raised without antibiotics or growth hormones. This promise is your assurance that our products meet a higher standard for natural: they are truly naturally raised. The animals enjoy non-herbicide/chemical fertilized pasture and are supplied free choice with organic minerals and kelp. Soy is not used in any of our feeds and only Tamari, non-Gmo & gluten-free soy sauce is used in our BBQ products!
We pride ourselves in offering hard to find items and unique, handcrafted artisan meat products (including Bacons, Jerkies and BBQ items). Our meats are processed in a family-owned slaughterhouse and are vacuum-packed to preserve freshness and improve shelf life.
Many families rely on us for their Beef, Pork, Turkey, Chicken and Eggs, and a large portion of our clientele reside in the Detroit and Chicago areas. We are located within a 2 ½ – 3 hour's drive of each city. We also have scheduled deliveries and pre-determined meeting points in Grand Rapids, Lansing, Brighton, Novi, Kalamazoo, Muskegon, and Holland.
We always welcome visitors at our farm as we enjoy showing customers how our animals are nurtured to nurture us in the future. We especially enjoy children, who enjoy learning about the animals and their relationship to our food sources.
Our hours are Wednesdays: 12–6pm, Thursdays: 12–5pm, Fridays: 12–5pm and Saturdays 10–3pm. Please call or e-mail for informational brochure.
Creswick Farms, Andrea & Nathan Creswick, 6500 Rollenhagen Road, Ravenna MI 49451. (616) 837-9226.
E-mail: Contactus@CreswickFarms.com Website: www.Creswickfarms.com. Facebook: www.facebook.com/CreswickFarms.
Welcome to East River Organic Farm. We are a diversified and certified organic farm in the middle of the thumb of Michigan, near Sandusky. We are certifed with ICO (Indiana Certified Organic).
We have a 30 member CSA that we use to distribute most of our organic vegetables. We also have grass-fed, organic Devon beef, organic pork, chicken, eggs and turkeys.
Please check out our website for more details and updates.
East River Organic Farm, Les Roggenbuck, 440 N Wheeler Road, Snover MI 48472. (810) 404-1723.
E-mail: les@midmich.net. Website: www.eastriverorganic.com.
Full Circle Organic Farm - Grass-only lambs, raised on certified organic farm - 400 available.
We have 360 acres of pasture, all paddocks with fresh well water. Lambs are raised with all the organic pasture, hay, kelp, and organic minerals they want.
Lambs are available by private treaty or at the following grocery stores and restaurants. Grocery stores: Natural Local Food Express, Plymouth, MI., Grahams Organics, Rosebush, MI., Simply Fresh Market, Brighton, MI. Restaurants: The Boulevard Inn & Bistro, Saint Joseph, MI., and The Wooden Spoon in Brighton, MI. (Visit Eatwild's Michigan Beyond the Farm page for addresses and contact information for these locations.)
We also have certified organic wool, and certified organic seasonal peaches and cherries.
Full Circle Organic Farm, LLC, SuzAnne Akhavan-Tafti, 4545 Vines Road, Howell MI 48843. (517) 719-0073.
E-mail: chazmaven4545@yahoo.com. Website: http://fullcircleorganicfarm.com.
Green Leaf Farms is a fourth generation family farm. Our livestock is raised to be naturally healthy. They receive no growth hormones, animal by-products, or antibiotics. Our beef are exclusively grass fed. This provides for a meat high in Omega-3 and CLA.
Our turkeys and chickens are free-ranging and taste like the ones grandpa used to raise. Our vegetables are all-natural—no man made fertilizers or herbicides or insecticides are used on our garden.
I invite you to visit our website for further information.
Green Leaf Farms, Dana Dvoracek, 04998 Loeb Road, Charlevoix MI 49720.
E-mail: info@greenleaffarms.net Website: www.greenleaffarms.net.
Greener Grass Farms: 100% Grass Fed – Grass Finished Beef
Our beef is raised on pasture with their mothers for several months. Legume, pastures and annuals such as turnips, oats, cereal rye are used. Cattle are grazed into November–December, then fed high quality hay and baleage through the winter. We are not certified organic but we farm using most organic practices and in a sustainable conscience manner.
No growth hormones, antibiotics or animal by-products are used on our farm. Beef is sold by the whole, half, ¼ or by individual cuts through our licensed warehouse store.
We also use a pasture based system to raise our chickens, turkeys and pork. Their feed is supplemented by NON-GMO grain. No antibiotics or growth hormones are used. All animals are raised on "dirt," giving the animals access to green pasture and bugs.
Fresh turkeys are available for Thanksgiving. Chicken is available frozen all year round. Freezer beef is available all year round. Pork is available most of the year. Please call for availability. We welcome (by appointment) farm visits to tour our piece of heaven to make your own judgement.
Please visit our website for more information.
New! Available November 3–16. Soy-Free, non-GMO fed chickens. Call us for more information.
Greener Grass Farms, Dan or Debra Marsh, 10240 Youngs Road, Quincy MI 49082. Call Dan @ 517-425-7049 or Deb @ 517-425-7046.
E-mail: dan@marshbrothersonline.com. Website: www.greenergrassfarms.com.
Guindon Farms is a fourth generation family owned beef farm. All crops and pastures are certified organic by OCIA and we are Certified Naturally Grown.
On Guindon Farms cattle are raised naturally without hormone implants or antibiotic feeds. Cattle are treated humanely and have access to pasture year around. Fresh water is supplied to all pastures in the summer to assure their comfort.
We offer grass-fed cattle which are finished on intensively managed, high-quality pasture and hay that is certified organic and we grow ourselves. During the winter months cattle are fed exclusively certified hay and baleage that is certified and grown on the farm. Our first certified calves will be born in spring of 2010. Our Limousin cattle are very efficient at converting pasture grass into muscle and have lent themselves well to producing a healthier carcass which is enhanced with the grass finishing.
All beef is humanely processed at Rainbow Packing, a local processing plant; they are a family-owned, USDA-inspected facility, where meat is cut to order.
We are committed to personal care of our cattle, our land, you our customer and to being a partner in sustainable agriculture. We encourage farm visits anytime.
Guindon Farms, Matt and Barb Guindon, 9111 Cty 416 H Road, Cornell MI 49818. (906) 384-6517.
E-mail: info@guindonfarms.com. Website: www.guindonfarms.com.
Hill Pasture Farm raises 100% grass-fed Black Angus Beef on our family-owned farm. We aim to improve soil and the health of the land, raise happy and healthy cattle, and supply the best quality beef for family and friends.
We use organic practices, but we are not certified. No growth hormones or antibiotics are used on our herd; no pesticides or herbicides are used on our pastures. Cattle graze in rotational pastures spring through fall and enjoy hay grown on the farm through the winter months.
Whole, half or quarter sides of beef are available for custom orders and sold by hanging weight. Average hanging weight for a 1/4 beef is 150–175 pounds.
$4.00/pound (includes beef and processing fees). We are taking orders for June, July, August and September 2022.
Hill Pasture Farm, Lindy Stewart, Jonesville, MI 49250. 517-877-0042.
E-mail: hillpasturefarm@gmail.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hillpasturefarm.
Jake's Country Meats is a 7th-generation family farm, specializing in pasture-raised meats and sustainable farming practices. The farm is Animal Welfare Approved and certified grass-fed yearly by A Greener World Association.
Products available: pork, beef, chicken, fish, maple syrup, and honey.
Pick-up your order at the farm, various farmer's markets and meat drop locations, or have it shipped right to your door.
Shop at our self-serve farm stand open to the public every day from 10am–7pm, fully stocked with all our meats.
Bundle discounts and individual packages available.
Jakescountrymeats.com, Renee Robinson, 55721 Decatur Rd, Cassopolis, MI 49031. 269-445-3020.
E-mail: Jakescountrymeats@gmail.com. Website: https://jakescountrymeats.com/. Facebook and Instagram: @jakescountrymeats.
At JNelson Farms, our vision is to provide healthy food to help people live a healthy life. As well, we want to be good stewards of the land and use it in a sustainable manner. JNelson Farms is owned and operated by Jon and Tammy Nelson and is located about 8 miles northwest of Midland, Michigan on Stark Road.
We have 260 acres of pasture land to support our herd of grazing cattle. Our cattle enjoy the pasture all year long. In the summer, forage is harvested from additional land for the cattle to eat in the seasons when pasture growth isn't adequate to supply their nutritional needs. Just in case there are needed minerals or vitamins they are not receiving from the pasture, they also have these available as free choice supplements. We work very closely with Michigan State University to utilize the latest research around grazing and land management.
In addition to the farm owned by Jon and Tammy, JNelson Farms also represents an informal cooperative community of producers throughout Michigan who have a common vision to use their resources and capabilities to provide healthy food for people who want it. The goal of the cooperative community is to coordinate the producing interests of our cooperators to develop a supply chain that can provide large enough numbers of animals to entertain the demand of larger organizations. Each producer follows the same production protocol as Jon and Tammy's home farm. Different roles that our cooperators play include: supply of yearling cattle, contract grazing, hay supply.
JNelson Farms has high quality grassfed beef available year round. Please contact us if you would like some. We look forward to helping you and your family enjoy the benefits of grassfed beef.
JNelson Farms, Jon Nelson, 4240 North Stark Road, Hope, MI 48628.
E-mail: jon@jnelsonfarms.com. Website: http://Jnelsonfarms.com.
Joe's Grass Fed Beef — We sell quality grass fed beef year round. Call, email or visit our website for current availability.
- We raise happy, stress-free cattle.
- Our cattle graze leisurely in rotational pastures during the spring, summer, and fall. Dry hay is fed during the winter months. We do not feed grain at any time.
- We do not use pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or chemical fertilizers on our pastures.
- We do not use antibiotics, steroids, or any growth hormones.
- Our ground beef produces a delightful aroma and a taste that has to be experienced.
The best value is to purchase a whole or half. Check our website for current prices.
- A deposit by mail of $200 per whole ($100/half) payable to "Joe's Grass Fed Beef" will reserve a steer for slaughter.
- Final payment is requested before you pick up your order from the processor.
Smaller sample packages, individual cuts and ground beef are also offered.
Order information. Cell: Carol (541) 761-9191 or Ed (989) 777-3020.
See our beef online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prlFvlvC5NA.
Joe's Grass Fed Beef, Edward Lysogorski, Mail: 6822 Dixie Highway, Bridgeport, MI 48722. Family-run farm: 2235 Setlak, Standish MI 48658. Phone/Fax: (989) 777-9070.
E-mail: joesgrassfedbeef@gmail.com. Website: www.joesgrassfedbeef.com.
The Lake Village Homestead grew out of an environmentally oriented educational research program, originally motivated by B.F. Skinner's book, Walden Two. Presently this extended family co-op occupies a mile and a half of lake shoreline and approximately 300 acres. The 120 acres of lake- front is owned by a non-profit corporation dedicated since 1971 to living, teaching and modeling sustainable agriculture as well as preserving natural habitat.
Cattle, goats, chickens and hogs are free-ranging in various pastures. Goats receive some supplemental grain while lactating. Hogs and chickens have access to grain as well as pasture. Cattle graze in the warm weather and are fed hay in the winter. Animals are grown hormone- and antibiotic- free. All gardening and pasture management is done without chemical fertilizers and herbicides.
We offer grass-fed free-ranging beef, free-ranging pastured pork, eggs from free-ranging chickens, goat milk, cheese, honey, maple syrup, popcorn and vegetables in season. All products are available on the farm and may be obtained by purchasing food shares with discounts being offered to Associate Members.
Associate Membership: Individual $120/year; Family $200/year. Members are free to visit the farm as they wish, grow vegetables in the garden, walk miles of trails, lease horses for trail riding, as well as participate in farm gatherings.
For more information, visit our website, or call (269) 808-2529 to make an appointment for your first farm visit.
We also offer interactive farm workshops for all ages and group sizes. Environmental and land preservation consulting is also available. Donations made to support our various programs are tax deductible.
Lake Village Homestead Farm, Tony Kaufman, 7943 South 25th Street, Kalamazoo MI 49048. (269) 323-3629. Fax: (269) 329-0788.
E-mail: info@lakevillagehomestead.org. Website: www.lakevillagehomestead.org.
Livingston Farms was established in 1902 and is a fourth generation farm that is highly diversified. We currently offer mint oils, mint compost, pure maple syrup, and beef. Here at Livingston Farms we strive to produce the finest products for our customers.
Our beef is all natural and grass fed. These animals do not get hormones, concentrates, or any other additives. In addition to being lower in overall fat and saturated fat than grain-fed beef, grass fed beef is higher in healthy omega-3 fats.
We currently sell our grass fed beef for $3.50/lb hanging weight. Our animals are sold by the 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or whole animal. In addition, we carry a small quantity of retail grass fed ground beef and other items such as snack stix and summer sausage. Please refer to our website for the most up to date products and availability.
Livingston Farms, Eugene A. Livingston, 2204 Livingston Road, Saint Johns MI 48879. (989) 224-6685; Grass Fed Beef Orders: (989) 640-7391.
E-mail: livingstonfarms@gmail.com. Website: www.livingstonfarmsmi.com.
North Branch Ranch raises Natural Grassfed beef using Heritage breeds (Highland/Galloway).
We don't use synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, soy, grains, grain silage, GMO, hormones, or antibiotics. The cattle spend their whole lives outside in the sun and snow. Just like nature intended. Shade trees in the summer and wooded windbreaks in the winter. We believe that it all starts with happy cows. That means good, tasty hay and pasture, low stress environment and no by-product feeds.
Some "grassfed" in our area is fed corn and corn silage. Because "Corn is a grass"? Not here. Come see our herd and see the difference.
North Branch Ranch, Jesse Bookless, 348 N Flajole Rd, Linwood MI 48634.
E-mail: contact@northbranchranch.com. Website: https://www.northbranchranch.com/.
Welcome to Old Pine Farm. We are a small farm located in the Chelsea/Manchester area. We produce great tasting, naturally raised, wholesome meats from animals raised on grass, organic feeds, sunshine, and clean water. We offer beef, pork, lamb , and chicken.
Our steers are raised on natural hay and grass, our hogs and pastured chickens are fed certified organic feed (or non-GMO grain). We offer quarters and sides for those who would like to stock your freezer.
Our animals are compassionately raised from start to finish.
For more details, please visit our website and contact us by e-mail.
Old Pine Farm, Kris H, Manchester MI 48158.
E-mail: oldpinefarm123@yahoo.com. Website: www.oldpinefarm.com.
Provision Family Farms—Serving Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and much more. We have what you're looking for!
- Halves and whole beef, pork, and lamb (typically in the Fall)
- Retail cuts of pork, chicken, beef, and lamb, delivered (within range) to your door
- Subscriptions: a rotating variety of meats delivered monthly to your home takes the guesswork out of meal planning.
"Natural" labels won't protect animals. "Plant-based" meats won't heal our earth. Please, come and see for yourself what farming WITH nature can accomplish.
- Our beef and lamb is 100% grassfed through rotational grazing.
- Our pork pastures for about 80% of their summer diet, and supplemented mostly with craft brewing byproduct for unmatched flavor.
- Our poultry pasture much of their diet, evidenced by their nutritious yellow fat.
Visit us online (to order), on Facebook, or best of all, come get a tour and raid the freezer!
Provision Family Farms, Luke Eising, 5274 E 6 Mile Road, White Cloud, MI 49349. 231-689-0457 (call or text).
E-mail: provisionfamilyfarms@gmail.com. Website: www.provisionfamilyfarms.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProvisionFamilyFarms/.
Raikko's Farm, LLC, located in Levering, Michigan, is a hybrid-powered farm using a combination of both draft horses and mechanized equipment to accomplish our work. We manage our property as well as leased land using regenerative practices and rotationally graze all our pastures, moving cattle daily onto fresh ground. These practices allow us to adjust easily to the changing conditions of the seasons and still keep our focus on improving the land and growing high quality beef.
Cattle are on pasture May-December and fed hay out on the home pastures all winter. We raise Red Devon cattle that have been bred to thrive on grass alone. All our beef is grass fed and grass finished. Our Berkshire hogs are raised in wooded pastures and fed non-GMO feed produced by the local Amish community.
We sell beef by the quarter, half, or whole, as well as packaged/frozen cuts from the farm.
Pork is sold by the half or whole.
We use a variety of local butchers to meet the needs of the customer. On-farm kills are offered for those who are interested in minimizing animal stress associated with loading and hauling. All on-farm kills are done by a professional butcher and taken to a local butcher for cutting and packaging.
We would love to show you what we are doing and how we are doing it. Please join our Team and let us be your Farm.
Raikko's Farm, LLC, Eric and Theresa Raikko, 4097 Schmalzried Rd, Levering, MI 49755. 231-420-6541.
E-mail: raikkosfarmllc@gmail.com. Website: https://www.raikkosfarm.com/.
Welcome to Resonance Center Farm where we produce:
- Pastured pork
- Pastured poultry (eggs, broiler chickens)
- Grass-fed, grass-finished beef
- Goat milk soap and lotion
Experience the satisfaction of knowing your food and your farmer. We are your clean meat connection. "You are what you eat eats." ~Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto.
THE LAND: We are in the business of harvesting solar energy and sequestering carbon with green plants. Our mission is to create healthy land, healthy animals, healthy people, and a healthy economy. Pure Northern Michigan cool air, healthy soils, clean water, and healthy grass contribute to our unique tender "sweet" flavor. Healthy soils produce more vibrant plants, creating delicious and nutritious meat! We don't use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or any other "cides."
THE ANIMALS: Our Chickens, Cows and Pigs have constant access to fresh, clean, diverse pasture, water, and plenty of sunshine. They spend their day eating grasses, roots and small plants as well as pecking, rooting, and scratching for grubs, worms and bugs. To satisfy their protein requirements, we supplement their diet with locally milled, non-GMO grains. This simple idea is what we call "pasture raised." Nutritionally, the Chicken, Pork and Eggs offer higher Omega 3 fatty acids, CLAs, Beta Carotene and Vitamin E, and far more Vitamin D than their commercially raised counterparts, providing you with the purest foods from healthy animals on healthy land. Our animals live a natural and happy life – FREE of vaccinations, chemical de-wormers, and growth hormones. Not certified organic... but Beyond Organic. Your food should be this good!
THE FARM: Resonance Center Farm is family-owned, pasture-based, beyond organic, overlooking beautiful Mullet Lake in Pure Northern Michigan in Cheboygan County. Our philosophy is that happy animals doing what nature intended them to do (foraging, socializing, digging, scratching, catching bugs) provide healthier meat and eggs. We believe animals should live a natural life, be treated humanely and with respect.
Ask about delivery options.
Resonance Center Farm, 6773 North M-33, Cheboygan, MI 49721. (231) 445-2406 ask for Debi.
E-mail: resonancecenterfarms@gmail.com. Website: www.resonancecenterfarm.com.
Rocky Oak Farms is located in Albion, MI. We serve all surrounding areas including Battle Creek, Ann Arbor, and Lansing. We raise 100% grass-fed beef, pastured pork, pastured chicken, and pastured rabbit.
As fourth-generation farmers, we understand that consumers today demand high quality meat that is free of antibiotics, added hormones and steroids. That is exactly what you get when you purchase from Rocky Oak Farms. Our animals are pasture-raised in a regenerative, stress-free environment just as nature intended. Years of experience has shown us that this system produces healthier cattle, pigs, chickens, and rabbits and results in leaner cuts of quality meat.
Our goal is to create quality meat that people can buy locally and gain peace of mind knowing where their product is coming from and how it was raised. By using regenerative practices, we have healthy animals, happy customers, and are creating a healthy environment for future generations.
Our beef is offered in sides or individual cuts that are on hand all year round. Pork is offered in sides; birds and rabbits are whole. We also sell in a few different stores: Argus Farm Stop, 1200 Packard, Ann Arbor, MI; Agricole Farm Stop, 118 N. Main St, Chelsea, MI; and Acorn Farmers Market and Cafe, 455 W. Main St., Manchester, MI.
Visit our website for more information on our farm and pricing. We look forward to meeting you!
Rocky Oak Farms, Becky Heim, 6850 Hoag Road, Albion, MI 49224. (517) 490-3902.
E-mail: rockyoakfarms@gmail.com. Website: www.rockyoakfarms.com.
Schneider Organics: Our heritage breed Dutch Belted beef cattle are raised on our family farm from birth until slaughter.
We use permaculture practices to properly care for the land our Lord has entrusted to us. We are truly natural and do not dehorn or castrate our animals. Calves nurse their mothers for 10 months. Our winter feed is harvested from our pastures, which are no longer plowed but allowed to grow native forages.
We feed no corn or soy and use no supplements except sea salt. We never use GMOs, hormones, pesticides, insecticides, or any other prohibited substances or practices. We take seriously our commitment to the care of our world for future generations.
Beef is available year round. For information, call Jamie Schneider at (989) 587-6941
Schneider Organics, Jamie Schneider, 15689 Pratt Road, Westphalia, MI 48894. (989) 587-6941.
E-mail: None. Website: None.
Seven Sons Farms is a pasture-based family farm in northeast Indiana. Our mission is simple: We strive to produce nutrient-dense foods in a way that heals and nourishes our land and the people who eat of its bounty.
We offer a variety of pasture-raised meats and organic groceries, including: 100% grass-fed beef, pastured pork, poultry, lamb, and bison. Pasture-raised eggs. Wild-caught seafood. And much more!
We offer shipping locally and throughout the continental United States! You can place your order online to be shipped to your door.
Visit our website to see all our available products.
Seven Sons Farms, 15718 Aboite Rd, Roanoke IN 46783. 1-877-620-1977
E-mail: support@sevensons.net. Website: https://sevensons.net/. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sevensonsfarms/..
Upstream Farm offers rotationally grazed beef and pastured pork available in bulk custom orders and in USDA individual cuts. We are a family farming together. Our goal is to raise animals outside in ways that benefit them, heal the earth, and nourish the people who eat them.
The foundation of our beef is our forages, mainly grass and legumes on pasture. These plants take sun, water, and carbon from the air and produce the energy and protein needed to grow and sustain the cattle. We see this as the most restorative and forgiving process on our farm.
We rotate our small herd multiple times per week on pasture. This resting of the pasture allows for regrowth, as well as a break in the parasite life cycle. In the winter they are fed hay, mostly harvested from our land. Our cattle are never fed grains. All our beef is dry-aged for 3 weeks and can be purchased in bulk or by individual cut.
Our pigs live outside, enjoying the shade of trees, tasting a variety of forages, and exploring new paddocks every few weeks. They rotate on pasture around our pond and between a shady strip along the wetlands and the market garden (Well-Watered Farm). We plan to use the pigs' digging abilities in the garden area after harvest. The pigs also have free access to a locally milled non-GMO grain feed. No antibiotics or growth hormones ever. Our goal is to breed, farrow and raise our own stock of heritage breed pigs.
Everything can be purchased from the farm or delivery is available locally through Market Wagon. Email us with questions or to schedule a farm pick-up. We are currently taking bulk orders for fall 2021. Read more about purchasing here.
Upstream Farm, Joel and Anna Parker, 2105 Bakertown Road, Buchanan, MI 49107. 269-697-3327.
E-mail: upstreamfarmer@gmail.com. Website: www.upstreamfarm.com.
White Bison Farm is a family-owned and operated farm located in the Central part of Northern Wisconsin. We specialize in grass-fed, pasture raised animals! We raise Idaho Pasture Pigs and Kunekune pigs, American Bison, and Free-range chickens, all that live outside all year round with shelters for protection from the weather and plenty of room to enjoy life.
We do not use any foreign substances in our animals including vaccinations and sub-therapeutic antibiotics. Our bison are solely grass-fed with grass during the warm months and hay during the colder months. Our pigs are fed primarily grass, alfalfa hay, and fodder with a minimal amount of grain to supplement their mineral intake. Our chickens are free-range and are also fed alfalfa hay and a minimal feed.
We sell pork as a ½ or a whole. Meat is available year round. We also sell breed-quality piglets as well as feeder piglets.
We sell quarter, half, and whole bison, but we are currently sold out.
We sell our meat chickens in the fall and we have eggs year round.
White Bison Farm, Dave and Jodi Cronauer, 5711 Karls Lane, Laona, WI 54541. (715) 674-2287.
E-mail: apache_jc@yahoo.com. Website: www.whitebisonfarm.com.
Page updated 9/13/2022.
Source: https://www.eatwild.com/products/michigan.html
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